
The intersection between maths and sports

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The intersection between maths, stats and sports has become an evermore blurred line as the years have gone by. Numbers men have become so important in understanding sports as technology advances. But what are the most outstanding books about the advancement of maths role in sports.


Top5 sports books of all time

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There are definately worse things in this world than burning books. I would count not reading them as worse than burning them. Particularly these 5 sports classics. Great sports literature is one of the best ways to experience our amazing sporting history.


Jumping on the Basketball Bandwagon

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If you are a Canadian resident, then chances are you have heard about the history-making event that recently took place in the world of sports. The Toronto Raptors, one and the only NBA team recently reached the finals for the first time since its establishment.


Celebrate the NHL Anniversary with the Top 100 Hockey Books

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The NHL recently celebrated its 100th birthday. It was established on 26th November 1917 in Montreal, Quebec. The players and the teams that make up this league have always experienced the love of many hockey lovers in Canada for the past 100 years.


Canadian Book Buyers: What Are They up to in the First Half of 2019?

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Are you aware that we are halfway through 2019 and looking up for 2020? And do you know what most Canadian book buyers are up to in the first half of 2019? If you know all this, then you are ready for the year 2020.